Free On-Demand Webcasts/ Webinar Sessions

1. Webcasts for JMP Statistical Discovery Software


                     (for accessing these On-Demand Webcasts, the user needs to just to register with JMP)


                    What You'll Learn?

SAS/IML Studio 3.2, formerly known as SAS Stat Studio, is designed for data analysts who write SAS programs to solve statistical problems and build models.

Create and modify dynamically linked graphs.

Call SAS procedures from a SAS/IML program.

Transfer data to R, call R functions and transfer the results to various SAS data structures.

3.Visualization of Data and Models


                    What You'll Learn?

How visualizations help you spot trends and patterns in your data more efficiently?

How to incorporate geographic maps into your data analysis.

How to explore your data with drag-and-drop graphs.

How to use visualization techniques to validate your statistical models.

4. SAS Enterprise Guide for the Programmer


                    What You'll Learn?

Find out about the benefits of adding SAS Enterprise Guide to your SAS programming toolbox.

A how-to for running SAS Enterprise Guide with your existing SAS programs.

Using built-in tasks to learn and use new SAS features quickly.

Organizing your work in project files and process flows.

Recognizing the challenges of distributed computing and identifying strategies to tackle them

5. Getting Started with ODS Statistical Graphics in SAS 9.2

What You'll Learn?

This talk will give you the essentials you need to begin using ODS Graphics in SAS 9.2 You will learn how to:

Create graphs that you can conveniently include in documents and presentations.

Control the content and appearance of graphs with options and styles.

Enhance graphs with the ODS Graphics Editor.

6. Forecasting 101Applying Business Analytics Webinar Series

This Webinar is appropriate for anyone involved in the creation, review or utilization of forecasts: demand planners and forecast analysts who generate forecasts; managers in sales, marketing, finance and operations; and executives who oversee the forecasting and planning functions.

7. Data Mining 101Applying Business Analytics Webinar Series

Line-of-business vice presidents/directors/managers, vice presidents/directors (analytics), business analysts, quantitative modellers and statisticians who want to explore, develop, act and collaborate on making fact-based decisions

8. Considerations with mrna-seq Data Analysis

mRNA-seq is quickly becoming a popular method for examining gene expression. Because of the nature of these data sets however, the data need to be treated differently from array data. Learn about some of these methods and their impact on results.