Monitoring Indicators

Monitoring Indicator

    The only monitoring indicator of the system would be the extent to which the researchers have been trained in the effective usage of computing facilities developed for improving the quality of their research. This can be quantified in many ways like, number of training programs organized, number of scientists and technical personnel trained, obtaining solutions for unsolved problems by application of newer sophisticated statistical tools, number of research publications in journals of repute, etc. Some of the monitoring indicators will be as under:

  • Number of software licenses purchased and installed.

  • Creation of statistical software service model.

  • Number of training programmes organized.

  • Number of scientific and technical personnel who acquired sophisticated statistical computing skills.

  • Number of trainings imparted to the people managing statistical computing hubs.

  • Number of advanced areas and topics on which training were imparted to scientists of NARS.

  • Number of post graduate students who took advantage of high end statistical computing facilities.

  • Providing a platform for knowledge sharing and cross leveraging of learning.

  • Enhancing scientists skills for their self confidence, independence and sound knowledge for statistical analytical techniques.

  • Number of data sets analyzed with advanced statistical techniques.
    Creation of healthy statistical computing environment and use of appropriate statistical methodologies is expected to improve the quality of research and increase.

  • Number of publications in International Journals with high impact factor.

  • Number of quality publications, both papers and reports.

  • Improvement of citation index of the publications.


News and Events
-Copyrights received for
INDIAN NARS STATISTICAL COMPUTING PORTAL: L-55719/2013 & SW-7397/2013 on October 25, 2013
-Macros of analysis of data from Split Plot (Main AxB, Sub c) Design and Strip Split Plot Design uploaded
-Macros of Generating Polycross and TFNBCB desings uploaded
-Macros of Generating Treatment Combination SFTSMCRS uploaded
-Multi Java environment user guide uploaded(available in "Publcations" link)
-SAS University Edition Installation Manual has been uploaded under the "Publications" tab.
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