Responsibilities of Lead Center

Responsibilties of Lead Center

  • Identification and establishment of linkages with Statistical Computing Hubs.

  • Organization of training programmes for imparting training to personnel of Statistical Computing Hubs.

  • Imparting training to scientists and technical personnel of different institutions of NARS under one hub.

  • Making liaison with statistical and technical personnel of Statistical Computing Hubs with respect to usage of software package.

  • Collection and compilation of data for preparing examples for illustration purposes in usage of statistical software package.

  • Designing and development of the statistical computing modules as short handouts for statistical analysis of data by general purpose statistical software package. The link “analysis of data” at Design Resources Server ( would be used to a great extent as a reference material for these training programmes.

  • Organization of sensitization and training workshops.

  • Supervision and implementation of the statistical computing services.


News and Events
-Copyrights received for
INDIAN NARS STATISTICAL COMPUTING PORTAL: L-55719/2013 & SW-7397/2013 on October 25, 2013
-Macros of analysis of data from Split Plot (Main AxB, Sub c) Design and Strip Split Plot Design uploaded
-Macros of Generating Polycross and TFNBCB desings uploaded
-Macros of Generating Treatment Combination SFTSMCRS uploaded
-Multi Java environment user guide uploaded(available in "Publcations" link)
-SAS University Edition Installation Manual has been uploaded under the "Publications" tab.
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