Responsibilities of Statistical Computing Hubs

Responsibilties of the statistical computing hubs

  • Organization of training programmes on usages of high end general purpose statistical software package for research organizations of that region.

  • Establishment of close linkages with scientific and technical personnel of research organizations of the concerned region for proper assessment of their training and other technical support requirements.

  • Collection and compilation of the data required for preparation of exercises for illustration purposes.

  • Supply of feed back, input and statistical computing requirements to the lead center.

  • Regular on-line update of the progress of training programmes to lead centre.


News and Events
-Copyrights received for
INDIAN NARS STATISTICAL COMPUTING PORTAL: L-55719/2013 & SW-7397/2013 on October 25, 2013
-Macros of analysis of data from Split Plot (Main AxB, Sub c) Design and Strip Split Plot Design uploaded
-Macros of Generating Polycross and TFNBCB desings uploaded
-Macros of Generating Treatment Combination SFTSMCRS uploaded
-Multi Java environment user guide uploaded(available in "Publcations" link)
-SAS University Edition Installation Manual has been uploaded under the "Publications" tab.
IASRI, Library Avenue, PUSA, New Delhi - 110 012 (INDIA)
Phone : 91-11-25847121-24,25841254(PBX), Fax : 91-11-25841564

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