Usage and Impact
          Usage and Impact

  • The capacity building efforts have paved the way for publishing research paper in the high impact factor journals

  • Based on feedback received from NARS organizations, 173 research reports, 260 research papers have been published/ accepted for publication (in journals like Animal Food Science and Technology, Field Crops Research, Journal of Food Engineering, Euphytica, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, etc.) by analysing the data using high end statistical computing facility; more than 300 students have used this in their dissertations; 1700 students have used in their course work

  • The number of data sets analyzed is on more than 6000 across NARS

  • The software is installed on 2750 computers of 151 NARS organizations (on an average more than 18 computers per NARS organization)

  • Nodal officer from CMFRI, Kochi has reported in saving of 20 man months in compilation of data related to Marine Fish Household Census 2010 consisting of 10 lakh households with 16 attributes

  • Website of the project is being maintained and updated regularly. Website is registered under google analytics on November 15, 2010. Till January 31, 2014 there were 43,239 page views across 529 cities of 82 countries. Average time on page is 3.03 minutes

  • Reference manual cited in: Journal of Doctoral Research in Economics, The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies

  • Macro for augmented designs ~ cited by Jennifer Kling, Oregon State University in Introduction to Augmented Designs; Ir. Suprayogi from Laboratory of Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, Central Java, Indonesia and Ogbonna Alex C. from National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike, Nigeria.

  • Total hits to the portal are: 1,97,816 since April 01, 2011 which amounts to more than 150 hits per day. Based on the user logged information, the total number of logons to Indian NARS since March 2012 are 24,926

  • It has been included the FOCARS training programmes conducted by NAARM, Hyderabad and 799 scientists have been sensitized about the capabilities of the software and data analysis using SAS. Also 211 scientists were sensitized through Refresher Courses conducted at NAARM, Hyderabad about data analysis using SAS

News and Events
-Copyrights received for
INDIAN NARS STATISTICAL COMPUTING PORTAL: L-55719/2013 & SW-7397/2013 on October 25, 2013
-Macros of analysis of data from Split Plot (Main AxB, Sub c) Design and Strip Split Plot Design uploaded
-Macros of Generating Polycross and TFNBCB desings uploaded
-Macros of Generating Treatment Combination SFTSMCRS uploaded
-Multi Java environment user guide uploaded(available in "Publcations" link)
-SAS University Edition Installation Manual has been uploaded under the "Publications" tab.
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