Design Resources Server

Analysis of Data from Designed Experiments

Diagnostics and Remedial Measures



Analysis Using SAS 

For ease of understanding, recode the treatments  as follows:

Treatments Treatment Number
T1 1
T2 2
T3 3
T4 4
T5 5
T6 6

Data Input:
For performing analysis, input the data in the following format. 

{Here we call the replications as blk, Treatment as: trt and yield as yld. It may, however, be noted that one can retain the same name or can code in any other fashion}.

 Prepare a SAS data file using

/*Creating the SAS Data set based on the data from a block design*/

data test;

input blk trt yld;


1      1      8.9

1      2      10.65

1      3      10.6

1      4      9.15

1      5      13.0

1      6      9.8

2      1      9.3

2      2      10.5

2      3      11.25

2      4      8.9

2      5      9.91

2      6      9.95

3      1      9.2

3      2      10.1

3      3      10.25

3      4      9.3

3      5     10.14

3      6      9.95

4      1      9.1

4      2      11.05

4      3      11.50

4      4      10.3

4      5      8.85

4      6      10.2



options mprint mlogic;


/*From here, the testing Assumptions and analysis is started/


options nodate nonumber mprint mlogic; *option for deactivate the print date and page number;


/* Macro start is here, The Macros are called whenever needed */

%macro start;

%global loop deg var opt brln test1; /* Making global variable */

%let loop = 1;

%start1(test);/* Calling start1 macro with parameter SAS data set Name i.e. the nae given the Data section*/

%let loop = 2;

%anal(test); /*Calling anal macro for anlysis of data set*/

proc iml;

mm = &norm;

print mm;



%if &norm = NNR or &test1 < 0.05 %then %do; %box(test);%start1(data1); /* calling Box macro for transformation*/

%if &norm = NNR or &test1 < 0.05 %then %skilling;%else %anal(data1);%end;

%mend start;

/*End of Macro start*/



/* Macro Start1 is started. in this macro we perform the testing assumption and

Accordingly go for appropriate analysis */

%macro start1(par);

proc iml; use test; read all into temp;nc = ncol(temp);nc = char(nc);print nc;

call symput('deg',nc); /* puting no. of variable of data set in deg variable*/

%if &deg = 2 %then %let var = trt; %else %let var = blk trt; /*making the class variable for GLM*/

%t1(&par); /* calling the macro t1 with parameter par*/

proc iml; use nor; read all into pn; /*performing normality test*/

title "Shapiro Wilk's Test for Normality of Data";

Probability = pn;

if probability >= 0.05 then Interpretation = "Data is Normal at 5% level of Significance";

else Interpretation = "Data is Non-Normal at 5% level of Significance";

print probability,Interpretation;/* printing the value of normality test*/

title ' ' ;

%if &norm = NR %then %bart;

%else %levene;

%mend start1;

/* End of macro start1 */



/*Macro t1 is written for the testing the normality of data. */

%macro t1(ts);

%global norm;    *Declaring a global variable norm which store normality status of data;

proc glm data = &ts  noprint;       /* Here, we call PROC glm to get the residuals of data

class &var;                                                based on the design             */

model yld = &var;                                

output out = err r = ss;        


proc means data = err noprint;

/*Calling PROC means to compute variance of residuals    */

class trt;

output out = mn  var(ss)= var;


proc univariate data = err normal noprint;/*Performing test for normality of residuals*/

var ss;output out=nor probn=pnor;run;

proc iml;use nor; read all into pn; /* Using the global variable norm to store normality */

if pn > 0.05 then call symput('norm','NR');/*status of data -- NR for Normal and NNR for */

else call symput('norm','NNR');

mm = &nnr;

print mm;/*Non-normal                                           */

%mend t1;

/* End of macro t1 */




/* Macro Bart is written for the testing the homogeneity of variances */

%macro Bart;

/*%global evar;*/

title "Bartlett's Test for Homogeneity of Variances";

proc iml;use mn; read all into m1; /* use variances of residual variance putting it in m1 variable*/

a =m1[2:nrow(m1),ncol(m1)-1:ncol(m1)];/*from m1 we extracting variances and number of observations */

v =0;ct = 0;nchi = 0;St = 0;

do i = 1 to nrow(a);           /* computing pooled variance */

            St = St + (a[i,1]-1)*a[i,2];

            v = v + (a[i,1]-1);

            ct = ct + 1/(a[i,1]-1);

end;S = St/v;

dchi = (1 + (1/(3*(nrow(a)-1)))*(ct-(1/v))); /*computing denominator of Bartlett's chi-square statistic*/

do i = 1 to nrow(a);nchi = nchi + (a[i,1]-1)*(log(S/a[i,2])); end;

chi = nchi/dchi;

if chi < 0 then chi = 0;

probability = 1 - probchi(chi,(nrow(a)-1));/*computinf chi value and prob.*/

df = (nrow(a)-1);print probability chi df S; /* printing chi value, prob and degee of freedom*/

if probability >= 0.05 then Interpretation = "Data is Homogeneous at 5% level of Significance";

else Interpretation = "Data is Heterogeneous at 5% level of Significance";

print Interpretation; /* testing and printing interpretation/

pb = char(probability);

call symput('test1',pb); /*putting probability to a variable test1 for further use*/

title ' ';

%mend bart;

/* End of macro Bart */




/* Macro Levene for testing the homogeneity of variances when data is non normal*/

%macro levene;

title ' Levene Test for Homogeneity of variances';

proc means data = err noprint; /* computing median of the residuals*/

output out = media mean = mn;

class trt;var ss;run;

proc sort data = err; /* Sorting the residual by treatment*/

by trt;run;

proc iml; use media; read all into lev; /* Reading the residuals in a matrix*/

md = lev[2:nrow(lev),];

use err;read all into error;

s = 1;

do i = 1 to nrow(error);

            if error[i,2] = s then di = di//(error[i,ncol(error)]-md[s,ncol(md)]);

            else do; s = s + 1; i = i-1;end;


if "&opt" = "mean" then trt = error[,2]||di##2;

else trt = error[,2]||abs(di);

create  res from trt[colname = {trt di}];append from trt;


proc glm data = res outstat = problev noprint;

class trt;

model di = trt;


proc iml;use problev; read all into pl;

Probability = pl[2,ncol(pl)];

if probability >= 0.05 then Interpretation = "Data is Homogeneous at 5% level of Significance";

else Interpretation = "Data is Heterogeneous at 5% level of Significance";

print probability, Interpretation;

pb = char(probability);

call symput('test1',pb);

title ' ';

%mend levene;

/* End of macro Levene */




/* Macro Box for transformation of observations*/

%macro Box(gh);

proc iml;

use &gh; read all into box; /*using the SAS data set*/

z1 = any(box=0); /*checking for null observation*/

if z1 = 1 then box=box[,1:ncol(box)-1]||(box[,ncol(box)]+ 0.01);/*adding 0.01 to each observation*/

gm = 0;s  = 1/nrow(box);

do i = 1 to nrow(box);gm = gm + log(box[i,ncol(box)]);end;

gm=gm*(s);gm = exp(gm); /*computing Geometric mean*/

if &deg = 2 then x = design(box[,1]);/*making design matrix*/

else x = design(box[,1])||design(box[,2]);

i = -1000;sse =0;

sp = 9999999999999999999999999999;

do j = -10 to 10 by 0.01;

            if i = 0 then ny = gm#(log(box[,ncol(box)])); /*transforming observations*/

            else ny = ((box[,ncol(box)]##(i/100))-1)/((i/100)*(gm**((i/100)-1)));

            bh = ginv(x`*x)*x`*ny; /*computing parameters*/

            err = ny - x*bh;

            err = err##2; sse = err[+]; /*computing Error sum of squares*/

            if sp > sse then lamda = i/100;  /*testing  minimum SSE for Lambda value */

            sp = sse;se = se//sse;  /*making the array of all SSE*/

            l =l//(i/100);i = i+1;


mn = min(se); /*taking minimum value of SSE */

print lamda; /*printing Lambda*/

t2 = box[,1:ncol(box)-1]||box[,ncol(box)]##lamda; /* Transforming the data */

create data1 from t2[colname ={&var yld}];append from t2; /* Creating a SAS data Set*/

%mend box;

/* End of Macro Box*/



/* Macro anal for analysis of experimental data. */

%macro anal(dat);/* dat is name of dataset*/

title "  ";

proc glm data = &dat; /*  data = mane which is in dat variable **/

class &var;  /*input variable is assigned in var*/

model yld = &var;


%mend anal;

/* end of macro anal */



/*Macro skillings is for the performing Skillings and Mack non-parametric test*/

%macro skilling;

title 'Skilling Macs Non-parametric procedure for testing equality of means';

%if &deg = 3 %then %do; /* checking for design */

proc rank data = test out = er; /*Arranging the  yield observation in ascending order*/

by blk;var yld;run;                                             /* by Block variable */

proc iml;use er; read all into s; /*Using sorted variable */

RT = j(max(S[,1]),max(S[,2]),.);T = j(max(S[,1]),max(S[,2]),.);

ST = j(max(S[,1]),max(S[,2]),1); /* Creating 3 matrix according to need */

do i = 1 to nrow(s);RT[s[i,1],s[i,2]]=s[i,3];T[s[i,1],s[i,2]]=s[i,2];end;

DO I = 1 TO nrow(rt);do j = 1 to ncol(rt);if t[i,j] = . then st[i,j] = 0;end;end;

k = st[,+];Ai = 0;

do j = 1 to ncol(rt);do i = 1 to nrow(rt);

if rt[i,j] <> . then Ai = Ai + (((12/(k[i]+1))**(1/2))*((rt[i,j]-(k[i]+1)/2)));end;

As = as//ai;ai = 0;end;

ds = 0;sigma = j(ncol(t),ncol(t),0);

do i = 1 to ncol(t); do j = 1 to ncol(t);do p = 1 to nrow(t);

ti = any(t[p,]=i);tt = any(t[p,]=j);

if ti = 1 && tt = 1 then sigma[i,j] = sigma[i,j]+1;


sigma = sigma#-1;

do i = 1 to ncol(t);sigma[i,i] = (sigma[i,+]-sigma[i,i])#-1;end;

df=round(trace(ginv(sigma)*sigma));stat = as`*ginv(sigma)*as;

prob = 1 - probchi(stat,df);

print stat prob df ; 


%else %do;

proc npar1way wilcoxon data=test;  /* performing Krushkal Walis test*/

      class trt;

      var yld;

 run; %end;

%mend skilling;

/*end of macro skilling */





 Data File
  Result File







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Descriptive Statistics
Tests of Significance
Correlation and Regression
Completely Randomised Design
RCB Design
Incomplete Block Design
Resolvable Block Design
Augmented Design
Latin Square Design
Factorial RCB Design
Partially Confounded Design
Factorial Experiment with Extra Treatments
Split Plot Design
Strip Plot Design
Response Surface Design
Cross Over Design
Analysis of Covariance
Diagnostics and Remedial Measures
Principal Component Analysis
Cluster Analysis
Groups of Experiments
Non-Linear Models
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Other Designed Experiments
(Under Development)

For exposure on SAS, SPSS, 
MS-EXCEL for analysis of data from designed experiments:

 Please see Module I of Electronic Book II: Advances in Data Analytical Techniques

available at Design Resource Server(