Design Resources Server

Analysis of Data from Designed Experiments

Completely Randomised  Design 



Analysis Using SPSS 

  Analysis  Using  SAS 

For performing analysis, input the data in the following format. 

{Here we call the feeds as treatments: TRT and yield as YLD. It may, however, be noted that one can retain the same name or can code in any other fashion}.

For ease of understanding, recode the three feeds from 1 to 3 as follows:



Pasture (control)


Pasture and Concentrates


Pasture, Concentrates and Minerals


 Prepare a SAS data file using

data crd;  /*one can enter any other name for data*/

input trt yld;


1          850.5

1          453.6

1          878.85

1          623.7

1          510.3

1          765.45

1          680.4

1          595.35

1          538.65

1          850.5

1          850.5

1          793.8

1          1020.6

1          708.75

1          652.05

1          623.7

1          396.9

1          822.15

1          680.4

1          652.05

1          538.65

1          850.5

1          680.4

1          .

1          .

2          510.3

2          963.9

2          652.05

2          1020.6

2          878.85

2          567

2          680.4

2          538.65

2          567

2          510.3

2          425.25

2          567

2          623.7

2          538.65

2          737.1

2          453.6

2          481.95

2          368.55

2          567

2          595.35

2          567

2          595.35

2          .

2          .

2          .

3          992.25

3          850.5

3          1474.2

3          510.3

3          850.5

3          793.8

3          453.6

3          935.55

3          1190.7

3          481.95

3          623.7

3          878.85

3          1077.3

3          850.5

3          680.4

3          737.1

3          737.1

3          708.75

3          708.75

3          652.05

3          567

3          453.6

3          652.05

3          567

3          .



*To test the equality of treatment effects, one can perform the analysis of variance using the following statements:;


Class trt;

Model yld = trt;

Means  trt;

Means trt/LSD;  /*performs all possible pairwise treatment comparisons using LSD*/


/*One can obtain means of treatments and all possible pair wise treatment comparisons can be performed using any of the multiple comparison procedures such as least significant difference, Duncan’s New Multiple range test, Tukey's Honest Significant difference test /*


Data File

Result File


Analysis Using SAS                                            Analysis Using SPSS                                                     



Home Descriptive Statistics  Tests of Significance Correlation and Regression Completely Randomised Design  RCB Design  

Incomplete Block Design  Resolvable Block Design  Augmented Design  Latin Square Design Factorial RCB Design  

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Response Surface Design Cross Over Design  Analysis of Covariance Diagnostics and Remedial Measures 

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Descriptive Statistics
Tests of Significance
Correlation and Regression
Completely Randomised Design
RCB Design
Incomplete Block Design
Resolvable Block Design
Augmented Design
Latin Square Design
Factorial RCB Design
Partially Confounded Design
Factorial Experiment with Extra Treatments
Split Plot Design
Strip Plot Design
Response Surface Design
Cross Over Design
Analysis of Covariance
Diagnostics and Remedial Measures
Principal Component Analysis
Cluster Analysis
Groups of Experiments
Non-Linear Models
Contact Us
Other Designed Experiments
(Under Development)

For exposure on SAS, SPSS, 
MS-EXCEL for analysis of data from designed experiments:

 Please see Module I of Electronic Book II: Advances in Data Analytical Techniques

available at Design Resource Server (